Vehicle Diagnostics in Palmerston, ON

Annual checkups from your physician keep you in good health, right? The same goes for your car—regular diagnostic tests can detect problems with your vehicle before they require expensive repairs or, worse, leave you stranded on the side of the road after a breakdown.
What is a Diagnostic Test?
Typically, a car diagnostics test refers to the process where each part of an automobile is deeply examined and thoroughly checked to capture the root cause of any issues inside an automobile. It involves using special software to highlight the causes or faults and issues that are causing problems to your vehicle’s engine or elsewhere. This can be detected due to built-in processors, microchips, and sensors.
This is the first thing we check when a customer enters the True Auto Care shop with an issue is OBD. OBD is an abbreviation for On-Board Diagnostic. It is the standardized system that allows external electronics to communicate with a vehicle’s computer system.
It has become more important as automobiles have become increasingly computerized, and software has become the key to resolving many issues and unlocking performance.
What areas of the car can be tested?
Diagnostic tests can reveal issues with a car’s engine, transmission, exhaust system, brakes, and other major components like fuel injector, air flow and coolant, ignition coils, and throttle performance.
A common misconception about car diagnostic tests is that technicians can use code-reading tools to pinpoint the problem that caused the check engine light to illuminate.
In reality, the code informs technicians about which engine or component parameters are out of range, but it does not explain why. That’s where the technician’s experience and expertise come in handy, as the technician uses their knowledge to diagnose the underlying problem.
How long does a full vehicle diagnostic take?
Most full diagnostic tests can take an hour to 90 minutes to complete. However, occasionally, issues arise that complicate matters or your vehicle may have components that must be removed before a diagnostic test can be performed. Therefore, the time could range between two and three hours.
Main Advantages of Auto Diagnostics
Before the invention of car diagnostic tests, identifying problems was time-consuming and costly, especially since car owners only took their vehicles to mechanics after a breakdown or other severe malfunction.
Mechanical automobile components can now detect problems long before they cause a breakdown. Diagnostic tools can also search a vehicle’s computer system for manufacturer notifications and store information about the vehicle’s history, providing technicians with a complete picture to perform the best repair possible.
Book an appointment for your Vehicle Diagnostic Test in Palmerston, ON!
If you are looking for the best-in-class auto repair and maintenance services in Palmerston, ON, you are in the right place. True Auto Care, a well-reputed automotive shop with the best automobile technicians, can assist you with relevant auto diagnostic programs and ensure the smooth operation of your vehicle. True Auto Care serves customers’ automotive repair and new tire needs in Palmerston and surrounding areas.
Our exceptional services include the following:
- Competitive prices on tire brands like Toyo, Cooper, and Bridgestone.
- Tire services, including computer spin balancing, flat tire repairs, low-profile tire installations, and tire rotations
- Auto repair services, including brake repairs, exhaust system repairs, Ontario motor vehicle inspections, steering and suspension system repairs, and wheel alignments from a certified repair centre
- Other services include diagnostics, lube and oil changes and other preventive maintenance, TPMS adjustments, axle, CV joint, and driveshaft repairs
- 24-hour key drop
- Free Wi-Fi and coffee in our comfortable, clean waiting area
So what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today!